Mad Like Alyce
10 years ago

On my way out to the Dream Center, I drove through Badlands National Park. I hadn’t been through the heart of the badlands since I was six years old, and since I was early, I decided to pull over and play tourist for 20 minutes. I absolutely love the terrain…

10 years ago

Born and raised in South Dakota, this state is very dear to me. Although I was raised East River (East/West River is used to describe the two halves the state divided by the Missouri River, which is also the dividing line of Central and Mountain time zones) my heart belongs…

10 years ago

Cut the Cord – Shinedown While the album is not out yet, Shinedown just released Cut The Cord as a single. Do you ever hear a song on the radio you don’t know but immediately recognize the artist and subsequently loose your mind sitting in your car? This is precisely…

10 years ago

I grew up with St. Bernards, and cant get enough of this video! All of the panting!!!! While on the topic of dog videos… Have you met Loca? Have some ink? Maybe a lot of ink? Check out the tats on Kirsten Bell in this Funny or Die parody! I…

10 years ago

Big in the news right now is the political debate over legislation regarding Planned Parenthood funding. Honestly, I’m frustrated that this is still an issue in so many ways. I’m going to start right off the bat here and get my stance out there. I believe that abortion is murder…

10 years ago

Due to a high number of boating deaths due to alcohol, this Norwegian PSA absolutely NAILS the message and creates a viral video in the process with How to dock like a boss.   Can you distinguish audio quality? I found it interesting that I consistently selected the mid range…

10 years ago

Follow my blog with Bloglovin I use Symbaloo to collect all of my bookmarked fun finds in one place, and have had to start a second page… which means I can share more links! Here are some of my favorites in the past week. First of all, I wanted to…

10 years ago

A couple of months ago, I finished up my individual counseling sessions, and started going to group sessions. I had been doing so well, with my triggers and panic attacks generally being few and far between in the past couple of months. Even when they did present themselves, they would…

10 years ago

Have you ever thought of what you would want to tell your 16-year-old self? This PSA is wonderful, and having both my mother and uncle being skin cancer survivors… this message can’t be repeated enough.   Have you ever wondered what the Skeletons of your favorite cartoon character would look…


Hi! I'm Alyce.
Spooky friends unite! Join me as I take my home from 1990 to "Halloween Chic," share spooky. home decor and outfit inspo, create my favorite cosplays and play with SFX halloween makeup.

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