Mad Like Alyce

I grew up with St. Bernards, and cant get enough of this video! All of the panting!!!!

While on the topic of dog videos… Have you met Loca?

Have some ink? Maybe a lot of ink? Check out the tats on Kirsten Bell in this Funny or Die parody!

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I didn’t party much in college (its hard to drink when you are already on pain meds) but beer pong never held much facination for me… dirty hands, ping pong balls on the floor… all going in your drink. Yuck. These guys may have actually solved that problem! Just a couple of years too late for me.

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I love Rubyetc‘s artwork. Simplistic and incredibly honest, and often, there is a lot below the surface. This is me pretty much every weekend.

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Chris Pratt is accepting submissions for his Facebook cover photo and some of them are absolute genius! My absolute favorite is this brilliant riff off the Coppertone Sunscreen ads.


This is how I felt when I moved into my first apartment…

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Finally, do you ever get sick of those click-bait articles on “What your sleeping position says about you!?!?!” Then this version is definitely for you!

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Images courtesy of linked articles.


Hi! I'm Alyce.
Spooky friends unite! Join me as I take my home from 1990 to "Halloween Chic," share spooky. home decor and outfit inspo, create my favorite cosplays and play with SFX halloween makeup.

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