Mad Like Alyce

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With zombie tutorials wrapped, I’m back to one of my all-time favorite themes… Nightmare Before Christmas!!!! Last year, I did Jack Skellington, Sally, Halloween Town Mayor, and an Oogie Boogie mask.

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Of all of the things I love about Nightmare before Christmas, I LOVE the opening… not only is the score fantastic, but it is so well directed and imagined. What I am talking about of course is entering Halloween Town with the Scarecrow.

Halloween Town Scarecrow Costume DIY

While this costume could be dolled up quite a bit using a maroon dress and tan tights, I went with a more authentic version of the costume.

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You will need:

  • 1 pair of khaki pants that you are ok cutting up
  • 1 dark red button up shirt, ideally with pockets, must be ok cutting up
  • fake (or real) straw or wheat
  • jute string or twine
  • scissors
  • Garden gloves
  • Jack o’ Lantern Mask
  • Halloween Town sign & Elastic (Optional)


1. Start by slitting the shirt arms into strips that are just shy of the elbow. Then, cut up the bottom of the shirt by splitting it into strips and cutting away chunks randomly.

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If the shirt is to big for you, you can always make it a bit smaller by cutting out a triangular section from the back and hot-gluing the two back sections together again. Since it is just a costume (and as long as you don’t make it really tight), you can get away with hot glue vs. sewing. Just don’t expect it to survive a wash!

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2. Then, split the pant legs into strips halfway up the lower leg. Just above the knee, cut slits on the outside edge of the pant leg so you can slip in straw.

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3. When you put on the costume, tie jute string around each leg just below the knee, then pull the pant legs up so it is slightly baggy above the string.

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4. Stuff the pockets of the shirt with straw, and stuff straw into the holes by the knees.

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5. Finish with your mask and gloves and you are finished! You can also pair this with a Halloween Town sign, either holding it in your hand, or attaching with elastic under the shirt and sticking out above your head.


Hi! I'm Alyce.
Spooky friends unite! Join me as I take my home from 1990 to "Halloween Chic," share spooky. home decor and outfit inspo, create my favorite cosplays and play with SFX halloween makeup.

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