I was struggling with how I wanted to change up my Queen of Hearts look, when I was invited to a Masqurade party on Oct 30th and suddenly, the lights of inspiration turned on! I actually wasn’t a huge fan of the Traditional Queen of Hearts makeup, but still wanted to do something makeup-wise for when I wasn’t wearing my mask, and took a few leaves out of YouTube Makeup Artist MadeYewLook‘s book. I love her videos and watch a ton of them, regardless if it is a look I plan on attempting or not. Lex has a ton of great stuff, as well as so many fantastic tips and tricks I have learned over the past few months.
Queen of Hearts Makeup Tutorial
What you will need:
- Red, White, and Grey eyeshadow
- White creme makeup
- Large foundation brush, and regular brushes
- False lashes and lash glue
- Black Eyeliner
- Red Lipstick or Gloss
- Red Rhinestones