Mad Like Alyce

With a lot of my focus on getting healthier and fit, I have learned a lot about what it takes. Meaning by that, I have had to make allowances for my activity levels due to injury and fatigue, and I know that it holds back my results. I also make a lot of excuses for what I eat. I’m completely aware of this… I know that my goals look different than other people’s and that success will take longer for me to see. I’m in it for the long haul, and, for the most part, I accept this as part of my journey.

I say for the most part, because I know what it takes to really get into shape. I have seen it first hand with my little sister. She is dedicated to high cardio, kickboxing, lifting, running, and above all, hitting her nutrition 90% of the time, which is something I struggle with on a daily basis. Donuts repulse her, and I still have by doubts we are related (JUST KIDDING!).

But in all seriousness, she works out for at least an hour each day and finds a good balance between strength training and cardio. She is relentless with what she eats, and when she does splurge… she has more than earned it at the gym. I have heard her frustrations as she has faced judgements from a whole different perspective. Women she works with make excuses that she is young and it makes it easier for her, when in reality, my sister struggled with her weight just as much as me when she was younger. Sure, there are girls in their 20s, and even 30s who are beyond blessed with metabolisms that stand the test of time, but when you come from a family who’s metabolisms make even looking at a burger dangerous… I can see where she was insulted. Everyone wants a quick fix, a pill, something to “melt the fat in 10 days,” when the truth is it takes work.

Just one thing

The Rock’s new movie with Kevin Hart, Central Intelligence, has a great scene in the trailer that very clearly illustrates this. He meets a friend after 20 years, and the friend (Hart) asks Bob  (The Rock) how he lost 200lbs. He responds, “I only did one thing. I worked out 6 hours a day, every day, for the last 20 years.” And in all reality… The Rock probably does work out just about this much.

I share this with you not as a commentary on how you will never look like The Rock… and honestly, who needs to? What I say this to mean is that it takes years to get to a certain level of fitness. It takes continued dedication to your goals. And it takes failing and getting back up again and again and again. I recently heard a quote that as a former ballerina, I absolutely adore.

Don't judge your backstage by someone else's opening act.

It’s easy to see where the people we look up to or aspire towards are now, be it published writers, athletes, or bloggers. It takes hard work to get what you want in life. Working towards your career, working on a novel, working on your fitness. Working on finding a good balance that allows you to be able to get through your day. Finding a routine that allows you to get more out of life. Making sure you do your physical therapy exercises, or working towards gaining control over PTSD or other mental conditions.

We all move at our own speed

These are all difficult, and successes in them are all worthy of celebrating… whether you are a seasoned veteran or just started today. Don’t judge yourself by those who have gone before you. Don’t let yourself believe you cannot achieve success. Take pride in the successes you see, no matter how small. And never diminish the work that you and others have put towards achieving those goals.


Hi! I'm Alyce.
Spooky friends unite! Join me as I take my home from 1990 to "Halloween Chic," share spooky. home decor and outfit inspo, create my favorite cosplays and play with SFX halloween makeup.

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