Mad Like Alyce

Peanut Butter Oatmeal Protein Bites

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With my crazy Halloween rush over, I have been shifting my focus to taking care of myself, in many ways. One of the first things is getting real about my diet. I have been working out like crazy, however, I have also have been eating poorly. The eating healthy *most* of the time doesn’t make up for some really poor diet choices.

It’s more than weight

I have wanted to lose weight my whole life…. and not for the right reasons. I had horrible self esteem when I was younger, and working out is something that has given me confidence like I have never before felt. I’m around my heaviest… but also in the best physical shape I have been in since being diagnosed with chronic pain and chronic fatigue syndrome. But in the last month, my dad was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, and I am not going to pretend that it wasn’t a shot in the gut.

His doctor told him that he was at risk, and he kept saying he would lose the weight. He lost 15-20 lbs, but put off his next appointment for 6 months after he was supposed to go in and retest. It wasn’t until he got the diagnosis that he realized just how serious it was. That it isn’t just weight, but pancreatic damage caused by years of poor diet, finally causing the pancreas to be unable to produce insulin appropriately. He can lose the weight and keep the disease from progressing… but he will be on the medicine for the rest of his life.

Making changes for the right reasons

So with that, I finally decided it’s time to get real about my eating habits… and my weight. This time, however, it is not about vanity. Sure, I am looking forward to fitting into my pants better, and not having this spare tire around my hips, but I am genuinely happy with myself. I flex at myself in the mirror and love the muscle definition I have never before had. I look at the extra padding around my middle and think… meh…. I will get there in my own time. I have more patience with myself. I know how to dress myself in a way that makes me feel confident.

More than that, I look at the women all around me that I respect and admire, and they don’t have perfect bodies, nor is that why I admire them. They are writers, and moms, directors, podcasters, and designers. They are marketers, Young Living consultants, accountants and entrepreneurs. They are dreamers, and readers, they are humorous, driven, compassionate, unrelenting. They are so incredibly beautiful in every possible way. It’s time I started viewing myself in the same light.

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Peanut Butter Protein Bites

So, on to the protein bites. As much as I wish I had endless time to cook healthy meals and the income to fund all of the healthy produce, I simply don’t… as I believe is the case with so many of us trying to be healthier. Sometimes, I’m getting hangry while cooking dinner, or have to run out and get ingredients, or a multitude of different things.

These protein bites are fast and easy to make, taste like cookie dough (My Favorite!) and have a balance of carbs and protein that help tide you over and satisfies cravings. Your biggest problem will be limiting yourself! I have to hide them from my boyfriend, who will take down half of the recipe in one sitting.

You will need:

  • 2 cups oatmeal
  • 3/4 cup peanut butter
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1 scoop vanilla (or chocolate or peanutbutter) protein powder.
  • 1 Tbs chia seeds
  • 1 Tbs flax seeds

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1. Mix all ingredients together… super difficult, I know. Have fun with different flavors of protein, but I usually use vanilla since protein can be really expensive and vanilla is the most versatile in recipes. Also, the flax and chia are optional, however, I prefer the texture it provides.

2. Sometimes, I have to add more honey/peanut butter to get it sticky enough, other times, more oatmeal if it’s too wet. Once you get it to the right consistency, use a cookie scooper to portion out. I usually get 24 bites per batch. These can stay in the fridge for up to a week, or frozen right away.

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Hi! I'm Alyce.
Spooky friends unite! Join me as I take my home from 1990 to "Halloween Chic," share spooky. home decor and outfit inspo, create my favorite cosplays and play with SFX halloween makeup.

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