Mad Like Alyce

Look before you leap, then jump anyway

I have been holding this blog close since starting it in January. It was just your basic blog in the first few months, and I have slowly worked on it, building it to be more and more like my vision. I am finally starting to feel like this is something that I can really be proud of. But part of that slow process of perfecting has given me this inner feeling that it is not “ready” to share. That I have to make it even better before anyone sees it. What if I push it out of the nest before it’s ready to fly? What if it falls flat?

Like so many things in our lives, likely, we are never always “ready” for that big step. Starting a business. Moving to a new job, home, city, country. Having a child. Elizabeth Morrow put it so well in one of her newsletters… Everything you want is on the other side of fear.

otherside of fear

And there is definitely fear in sharing something you have put a lot of time into, something that you are proud of. But I know what I want my blog to become, and leaving it out all alone on an island in the middle of the ocean of the internet was not going to get me anywhere.

So I decided it was time to look for opportunities. And coincidentally that week, Tieka with Selective Potential began asking for submissions for guest bloggers to do outfit posts for her Adventures in Style guest series. Having a long mental list of ideas for fun places in Sioux Falls to do location themed outfit posts, I decided this would be a great time to throw my hat in the ring! Selecting a few of my favorite ideas, I sent off my submission, and was all jazzed about taking that step.

As my excitement from “revealing” my blog to a successful blogger began to wear off, the absurdity of this impulse idea suddenly hit me. Sure, my ideas might have potential to be wonderful posts. But I haven’t done outfit posts on my blog yet, and although I can visualize the post and pictures clearly in my mind, obviously, Tieka cannot. Furthermore… due to being a bit shy my blog thus far, I haven’t really shared pictures of myself. With the exception of a closeup poolside selfie of my face half covered in sunglasses… there was no way for her to even know what I looked like. Facepalm.

So, perhaps, I should have looked before I leaping. With more time and planning, I could have whipped something together. I did quickly put a picture of me in the sidebar bio intro as I had been procrastinating on doing, but I just wasn’t comfortable forcing something to happen to get it on my blog in time for her to review. It wouldn’t have been me, and it wouldn’t have been a representation of what I want to do with this blog. So I accepted that there was no chance she would pick me as a guest blogger.

That being said, I do not regret leaping at all! Sure, I should have planned ahead. Perhaps realized that I could have thought it through a bit more. Even so, nothing can take down that rush of Doing Something. I took a leap of faith and pushed myself outsite of my boundaries. And expanded my world of possibilities just a little bit more.

So, please, look before you leap. But don’t let that stop you from making that jump regardless.


Hi! I'm Alyce.
Spooky friends unite! Join me as I take my home from 1990 to "Halloween Chic," share spooky. home decor and outfit inspo, create my favorite cosplays and play with SFX halloween makeup.

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