Have you ever thought of what you would want to tell your 16-year-old self? This PSA is wonderful, and having both my mother and uncle being skin cancer survivors… this message can’t be repeated enough.
Have you ever wondered what the Skeletons of your favorite cartoon character would look like? IFLScience Has! Sidenote: Which old cartoon character was your favorite? Bugs Bunny? Daffy Duck? I loved Wiley Coyote!
This woman’s description of her personal Paleo Diet Experience and the internal battles with a Paleo friendly “carrot cake cookie” Aka “pucks of suffering” describes in a nutshell, how you feel on most diet plans. Highly recommended read.
These adorable cactus earrings!
Moar cactus! These houseplant cupcakes look incredible!
Squeee! This mama moose and her calves playing in a sprinkler on a hot day will fill your daily “awww” quota for sure!
Finally, this music video by Walk the Earth (check them out!). My sister first sent this to me a few weeks ago saying that it made her think of me and my journey. It makes me feel hopeful with every listen, and I hope it does the same for you!
Images courtesy of linked articles.