Mad Like Alyce

While browsing Bullseye’s Playground at Target (SERIOUSLY I NEED A CHAPERONE TO GO TO TARGET SOMEONE STOP MEEEE!) and found a wooden sugar skull cutout. While always on the lookout for cute things to DIY, I immediately envisioned this as a zombie, and decided to paint it pop art style to compliment my Pop Art Zombie Canvas and really enjoy the mashup of styles!


Pop Art Sugar Skull Zombie

You will need:

  • Wooden skull cutout*
  • Acrylic paint
  • brushes
  • pencil

*I realize this isn’t necessarily something you will have access to. I would consider doing this on a 12in x 12in canvas as well. This will require you to sketch the outline of the skull shape. Then, paint polka-dots in the space outside of the skull.


1. I recommend starting with finding a few pop art references online, or even specifically pop art zombies (there are so many amazing pop art zombies on pintrest!). Using a pencil, sketch out the lines. Don’t worry, the paint will cover them.

2. As a general rule, consider showing exposed brain and exposed bone in at least one place on your zombie. Pop art also features tears, so these can easily be added below the eye sockets. I chose to paint mine yellow, but this would also be a great opportunity to get gruesome. Consider putting a few graphical “cuts” or damage to an area that would otherwise be solid color (I did this on the forehead).

3. Paint lighter colors, or colors that will take up a larger area first. For example, I painted the pink of the brain, followed by the yellow tears, and then the white of the jaw.


4. Follow up with darker colors, and finally trace out everything in black.


5. Add polka-dots to anywhere that appears too bold. I liked how it looked doing this to the tears, but I’m sure it would be fine without.

6. If necessary, add a loop of fabric to the back with a hot glue gun and hang!



Hi! I'm Alyce.
Spooky friends unite! Join me as I take my home from 1990 to "Halloween Chic," share spooky. home decor and outfit inspo, create my favorite cosplays and play with SFX halloween makeup.

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